Title IX Defense for Students & Faculty
College and University students accused of Title IX violations like sexual misconduct are not always assured of their due process rights. Any time a Title IX defense lawyer at our firm is hired, we proudly and vigorously represent students charged with Title IX violations to ensure that the due process rights of students charged with conduct violations, including Title IX claims like harassment, date rape, sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence, are protected.
Each Title IX defense lawyer at our firm believes that no matter how bad the allegations against a student are, everyone is entitled to due process and a vigorous defense – and we believe that is not happening in far too many schools throughout America. Title IX administrators and investigators are often unaware of the legal ramifications of Title IX charges and university students are often unaware of their right to due process during Title IX proceedings – rights that should be protected especially if the college student faces the possibility of criminal charges that stem from the Title IX allegations.